Monday, September 26, 2011

I've got Peace Like a River

Choosing a Wife.

Sirach 36:21-24

A woman has to take any man as a husband,
but a man must choose his wife carefully.
A woman's beauty makes a man happy;
there is no fairer sight for the human eye to see.
If the woman is kind and gentle in her speech,
her husband is the most fortunate of men.
When a man marries,
he gets the finest thing he will ever have-
a wife to help and encourage him.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Song of Praise

Psalms 92: 1-8

How good it is to give thanks to you, O Lord,
to sing in your honor, O Most High God,
to proclaim your constant love every morning
and your faithfulness every night,
with the music of stringed instruments
and with melody on the harp.

Your mighty deeds, O Lord, make me glad;
because of what you have done,
I sing for joy.

How great are your actions, Lord!
How deep are your thoughts!
This is something a fool cannot know;
a stupid man cannot understand;
the wicked may grow like weeds,
those who do wrong may prosper;
yet they will be totally destroyed,
because you, Lord, are supreme forever.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sirach 11:2-6

Do not compliment a person on his good looks.
On the other hand, do not look down on someone who is unattractive.
Compare to most flying things,
a bee is very small,
but the honey it makes is the sweetest of all foods.
Don't make fun of someone who has fallen on hard times and is dressed in rags.
The Lord does wonderful things that human beings never notice.
Many are the kings who have ended their careers sitting on the ground,
while their crowns were worn by men no one had heard of before.
Many are the rulers who have suffered disgrace.
Many are the famous men who have fallen into the power of others.