Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why God took a person away.

It's normal that we cannot accept the fact that our love ones left us. Similarily, after my late mother departured, I kept asking myself WHY? A few days after her departure my sister read from the Holy Bible and told us that God does not want her mind and soul to be corrupted as she was living in this sinful world. Eleven months later, this is what I read to confirm what she told us about early departure of our dearest late mom.
Praise the Lord for he so loved our late mother and saved her soul.

The Wisdom of Solomon (4:10-15)
The Example of Enoch
Once there was a man named Enoch who pleased God, and God loved him. While Enoch was still living among sinners, God took him away, so that evil and falsehood could not corrupt his mind and soul. (We all know that people can be so fascinated by evil that they cannot recognize what is good even when they are looking right at it. Innocent people can be so corrupted with desire that they can think of nothing but what they want.)
This man Enoch achieved in a few years time a perfection that other people could never attain in a complete life-time.
The Lord was pleased with Enoch's life and quickly took him out of this wicked world. People were aware of his departure but didn't understand.
They never seemed to learn the lesson that God is kind and merciful to his own people; he protects those whom he has chosen.

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